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Воронеж Тамбов Липецк Курск Орел

PRODEXPO with a gold medal

From February 5 to 9, Moscow hosted the most authoritative annual event in the field of food - the 25th international forum Prodexpo. The company "Ecoland" returned from the exhibition with a gold medal.

This time experts PRODEXPO "Best Product of 2018" called chopped mushrooms "Princessa Vkusa". The tasting commission, which determined the market leaders, included representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and the ANO Soyuzexpertiza.

Our products were evaluated by specialists at once in several categories. Experts noted the high quality of canned mushrooms and a balanced preparation formula. For five expo-days, guests and exhibitors got acquainted with the assortment line "Princess of Taste". The tasting table was opened at the stand - visitors were treated by our culinary partner Dmitry Vyrodov, president of the Chernozemye Culinary and Restaurate Association, who acquainted with interesting recipes for cooking dishes from canned vegetables and fruits in syrup.

Preparing for the next review of achievements, we will please the newcomers!

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